We extend a warm welcome to the visiting families and friends of our members, and to all our guests joining us in person or virtually. No matter where you live, how frequently you attend services or where your religious roots are, your donations to Our Saviour’s are needed and greatly appreciated. Thank you.
We offer convenient on-line giving that help you make donations on a one-time or recurring basis. We highly recommend this method of giving for anyone who wishes to support the church. Thank you for your generosity.
If you would like to donate online,
Last year we voted as a congregation to establish an endowment fund for the purpose of supporting ministry in our context. Through the diligent efforts of several of our members, the endowment has been established and is now ready to accept additional gifts.
If you would like to add to the fund in honor of a special anniversary or birthday, or to recognize a special individual, or in memory of a loved one, let the church office know. Gifts of any size are appreciated.
The endowment fund is established with the idea of never touching the principal, and only distributing the interest in support of ministry opportunities. The larger the principal fund, the more money we can give away to proclaim the good news of God in Jesus Christ!
Our endowment committee members are Rev. Bob Giese, Barb Krug, and Paula Stroinski.
Many thanks to Gayle Hamann, Marian Nernberger, and Paula Stroinski for working with the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA to establish the endowment.
Our Saviour's presents 5th grade Sunday school students with student study Bibles.
New locking mail box installed. Theft wasn't the problem. Strong winds which blew the old box open were to blame. No more chasing mail.
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